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NCEP Reanalyses Surface Heat Flux - North Atlantic

Graphical depictions of the surface air-sea heat fluxes for the period 1995 to present are presented on subsequent pages. They are based on the NCEP Reanalyses. The monthly climatologies for each of the heat flux components (net longwave, net shortwave, sensible, and latent) are first calculated for the 40-year period 1958-1997. A net heat flux climatology is also prepared based on these values. These climatological norms are then removed from each of the respective monthly realizations to produce the anomalous heat flux fields shown on these pages.

Anomalous (as opposed to mean) fields are presented since much of the large systematic biases suspected to be inherent in the analyses will most likely be removed in the process of subtracting the respective monthly means.

Anomalous Heat Flux

There is one page for each month. Each page shows anomalous values of the four heat flux components, anomalous net heat flux, and the corresponding climatological net heat flux.

Year: Month:


There is one page for each month. Each page shows the climatology of the four heat flux components and the net heat flux.


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Feedback - Dr. David M. Legler,

Last updated on April 24, 1998