COARE-Met Data Center: Thursday Island (94175) - GTS

Note: All COAREMET data files are also available via anonymous FTP here,

Filename Conventions

Readme file for netCDF files

Readme file for ASCII files

Quality Assurance Manual

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Download: netCDF Files

Data for 119 days beginning 01 Nov 1992

Download: UNIX compressed [gzip] ASCII Files

Data for 119 days beginning 01 Nov 1992

The netCDF file naming convention is as follows:

ID: up to an 8 character identifier for the platform. May be a ship's call sign or a WMO number for a buoy or surface station. A "." will mark the end of the ID.

YY: two digit year of the first record in the file.

MM: two digit month of the first record in the file.

sD: two digit day of the first record in the file.

nD: number of days in the file (three digits).

v###: COARE-Met version number, typically to be greater than or equal to 100 (v1.00).

As an example, for this data, the name is: (ID=94175, Year=, Month=, Start Day=, number of days=, version ).

This convention will necessitate that machines limited to an 8.3 filename format will need to rename the netcdf files before they are downloaded.

The ASCII file names follow the same convention, execept they will end with the extension ".asc".

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