COAPS QSCAT Monthly-Mean Gridded Data Read Routines

These subroutines will read the gridded data from NetCDF format and store in user specified arrays. The C and IDL code will handle both the half degree resolution data, and the one degree resolution data. However the FORTRAN code has two different versions to accomplish this.

Compilation instructions are in the comments at the beginning of each program. These programs require the NetCDF libraries, which can be obtained from UNIDATA.

Please note: these are only subroutines and REQUIRE you to write a main program.

C version

readncdf.c (1 degree or .5 degree)

FORTRAN versions

readncdf_1d.f (1 degree)
readncdf_hd.f (.5 degree)

Interactive Data Language (IDL) versions (1 degree or .5 degree)