SST and PWS 1964-2009 over the Tropical Atlantic

by Jacques Servain (IRD)
Av. Rui Barbosa, 1246 - Aldeota
60115-221 - Fortaleza
Ce - Brasil

e-mail :
Fax : +55 (85) 433 18 09

Monthly means are in one file for SST and two files for Pseudo Wind Stress (zonal = pwsx ; meridional = pwsy) during 1964-March 2009: 45+ years.

sst6409b03.txt - Mean SST data, 1964 thru March 2009

pwsx6409b03.txt - Mean Zonal (u) component of pseudostress, 1964 thru March 2009

pwsy6409b03.txt - Mean Meridional (v) component of pseudostress, 1964 thru March 2009

A netCDF file containing means for 1964-2006 is also available.

Monthly anomalies are in one file for SST (anomt) and two files for Pseudo Wind Stress (zonal = anomx ; meridional = anomy) during 1964-March 2009: 45+ years.

anomt6409b03.txt - SST anomaly data, 1964 thru March 2009

anomx6409b03.txt - Zonal (u) component of pseudostress anomaly, 1964 thru March 2009

anomy6409b03.txt - Meridional (v) component of pseudostress anomaly, 1964 thru March 2009

A netCDF file containing anomalies for 1964-2006 is also available.

The netCDF files are created by COAPS/FSU. Questions should be directed to

Plots of these products are available.

In addition, you can download the long-term monthly average (climatology) files for the period 1964-2003 which were used to create the anomalies:

sst6403_clim.atl - SST climatology

pwsx6403_clim.atl - Zonal pseudostress climatology

pwsy6403_clim.atl - Meridional pseudostress climatology

NOTE: These data files and plots are provided as a courtesy to Dr. Servain by COAPS. They will be updated at periodic intervals.

The data are 2 latitude by 2 longitude gridded, from 30N to 20S and 60W to 16E.

Each month is represented by a 38 (longitude) by 25 (latitude) matrix; 25 lines x 38 columns.

The first data is at the NW corner (centered at 59W, 29N).

The format of each file is (13i5,13i5,12i5) = one line of longitude.

There is no blank line between 2 consecutive months, and between 2 consecutive years.

The units are 1/10 Celsius for SST and 1/10 m2/s2 for Pseudo Wind Stress.

The land values are forced to 99998.

Bonne chance!

Jacques Servain

Last modified: 14 August 2009