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Dr. Dmitry S. Dukhovskoy |
Dukhovskoy, D.S., E.P. Chassignet, A. Bozec, & S.L. Morey (2023). Assessment of predictability of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico from observing system experiments and observing system simulation experiments. Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Physical Oceanography , 10, DOI 10.3389/fmars.2023.1153824.
Morrison, T.J., D.S. Dukhovskoy, J. Mcclean, S.T. Gille, & E.P. Chassignet (2023).Mechanisms of Heat Flux Across the Southern Greenland Continental Shelf in 1/10° and 1/12° Ocean/Sea Ice Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC019021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC019021, DOI: 10.1029/2022JC019021.
Laxenaire, R., E.P. Chassignet, D.S. Dukhovskoy, & S. Morey (2023). Impact of upstream variability on the Loop Current dynamics in numerical simulations of the Gulf of Mexico. Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Physical Oceanography , 10, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1080779.
Boyer, T., H.-M. Zhang, K. O'Brien, J. Regan, S. Diggs, E. Freeman, H. Garcia, E. Heslop, P. Hogan, B. Huang, L.-Q. Jiang, A. Kozyr, C. Liu, R. Locarnini, A.V. Mishonov, C. Paver, Z. Wang, M. Zweng, S. Alin, L. Barbero, J.A. Barth, M. Balbeoch, J. Cebrian, K.J. Connell, R. Cowley, D. Dukhovskoy, N.R. Galbraith, G. Goni, F. Katz, M. Kramp, A. Kumar, D.M. Legler, R. Lumpkin, C.R. McMahon, D. Pierrot, A.J. Plueddemann, E.A. Smith, A. Sutton, V. Turpin, L. Jiang, V. Suneel, R. Wanninkof, R.A. Weller, & A.P.S. Wong (2022). Effects of the pandemic on observing the Global Ocean. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(2), E389-E410, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0210.1.
Zheng, Y., M.A. Bourassa, D. Dukhovskoy , and M.M. Ali (2022). Upper-Ocean Processes Controllingthe Near-Surface Temperature in the Western Gulf of Mexico from a Multidecadal Numerical Simulation. Earth, 3, 493–521.
Bouchat, A., N.C. Hutter, J.Chanut, F. Dupont, D.S. Dukhovskoy, G. Garric, Y.J. Lee, J.-F. Lemieux, C. Lique, M. Losch, W. Maslowski, P.G. Myers, E.O. Ólason, P. Rampal, T.A.S. Rasmussen, C. Talandier, B. Tremblay, and Q. Wang (2022). Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx), Part I: Scaling and statistical properties of sea-ice deformation fields. JGR-Oceans, 127, e2021JC017667
Hutter, N.C., A. Bouchat, J.Chanut, F. Dupont, D.S. Dukhovskoy, G. Garric, Y.J. Lee, J.-F. Lemieux, C. Lique, M. Losch, W. Maslowski, P.G. Myers, E.O. Ólason, P. Rampal, T.A.S. Rasmussen, C. Talandier, B. Tremblay, and Q. Wang (2022). Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx), Part II: Evaluating simulated linear kinematic features in high-resolution sea-ice simulations. JGR-Oceans, 127, e2021JC017666
Dukhovskoy, D.S., I. Yashayaev, E.P. Chassignet, P.G. Myers, G. Platov, and A. Proshutinsky (2021). Time scales of the Greenland Freshwater Anomaly in the Subpolar North Atlantic. J. Climate, 34, 8971-8987, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0610.1
Bashmachnikov, I.L., A.M. Fedorova, P.A. Golubkin, AV. Vesmana, V.V. Selyuzhenok, N.V. Gnatiuk, L.P. Bobylev, K.I. Hodges, and D.S. Dukhovskoy (2021). Mechanisms of interannual variability of deep convection in the Greenland sea. Deep-Sea Res. I, 174, 103557.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., S.M. Morey, E.P. Chassignet, X.Chen, V.J. Coles, L. Cui, C.K. Harris, R. Hetland, T.-J. Hsu, A.J. Manning, M. Stukel, K. Thyng, & J. Wang, 2021. Development of the CSOMIO coupled ocean-oil-sediment-biology model. J. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.629299
Morey, S.L., G. Gopalakrishnan, E. Pallas Sanz, J.M.A.C. De Souze, K. Donohue, P. Perez-Brunius, D.S. Dukhovskoy, E. Chassignet, B. Cornuelle, A. Bower, H. Furey, P. Hamilton, & J. Candela, 2020. Assessment of numberical simulations of deep circulation and variability in the Gulf of Mexico using recent observations . J. Physical Oceanography, 50, 1045-1064, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0137.1
Proshutinsky, A., R. Krishfield, J. Toole, M.‐L. Timmermans, W. Williams, S. Zimmerman, M. Yamamoto‐Kawai, T.W.K. Armitage, D.S. Dukhovskoy, E. Golubeva, G.E. Manucharyan, G. Platov, E. Watanabe, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino, M. Itoh, S.‐H. Kang, K.‐H. Cho, K. Tateyama, J. Zhao, 2019. Analysis of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater content in 2003-2018. J. Geophys. Res., 124, doi:10.1029/2019JC015281
Bourassa, M.A., T. Meissner, I. Cerovecki, P.S. Chang, X. Dong, G. De Chiara, C. Donlon, D.S. Dukhovskoy, J. Elya, A. Fore, M.R. Fewings, R.C. Foster, S.T. Gille, B.K. Haus, S. Hristova-Veleva, H.M. Holbach, Z. Jelenak, J.A. Knaff, S.A. Kranz, A. Manaster, M. Mazloff, C. Mears, A. Mouche, M. Portabella, N. Reul, L. Ricciardulli, E. Rodriguez, C. Sampson, D. Solis, A. Stoffelen, M.R. Stukel, B. Stiles, D. Weisman, F. Wentz, 2019. Remotely sensed winds and wind stresses for marine forecasting and ocean modeling. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi:doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00443
Lee, C.M., S. Starkweather, H. Eicken, M.-L. Timmermans, J. Wilkinson, S. Sandven, D. Dukhovskoy, S.Gerland, J. Grebmeler, J.M. Intrieri, S.-H. Kang, M. McCammon, A.T. Nguyen, et al., 2019. A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System. Frontiers in Marine Science , 6:451, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00451
Dukhovskoy, D.S., I. Yashayaev, A. Proshutinsky, J.L. Bamber, I.L. Bashmachnikov, E. Chassignet, C.M. Lee, and A.J. Tedstone, 2019. Role of Greenland freshwater anomaly in the recent freshening of the Subpolar North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 124, doi:10.1029/2018JC014686
Bashmachnikov, I.L., A.M. Fedorov, A.V. Vesman, T.V. Belonenko, and D.S. Dukhovskoy, 2018. Thermohaline convection in the subpolar seas of the North Atlantic from satellite and in situ observations. Part 2: Indicies of intensity of deep convection. CURRENT PROBLEMS IN REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH FROM SPACE, 15(7), 184-194, doi:10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-7-184-194
Bashmachnikov, I.L., A.M. Fedorov, A.V. Vesman, T.V. Belonenko, A.V. Koldunov, D.S. Dukhovskoy, 2018. Thermohaline convection in the subpolar seas of the North Atlantic from satellite and in situ observations. Part 1: Localization of the deep convection sites. CURRENT PROBLEMS IN REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH FROM SPACE, 15(7), 184-194, doi:10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-7-184-194
S. Morey, N. Wienders, D.S. Dukhovskoy, M.A. Bourassa, 2018. Measurement characteristics of near-surface currents from ultra-thin drifters, drogued drifters, and HF radar. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1633, doi:10.3390/rs10101633
Dukhovskoy, D.S., M.A. Bourassa, G.N. Petersen, and J. Steffen, 2017. Comparison of the ocean surface vector winds from atmospheric reanalysis and scatterometer-based wind products over the Nordic Seas and the northern North Atlantic and their application for ocean modeling. JGR-Oceans, 122(3), 1943-1973, doi:10.1002/2016JC012453
Asl, S.D., Dukhovskoy, D.S., M. Bourassa, I.R. MacDonald, 2017. Hindcast modeling of oil slick persistence from natural seeps. Remote Sensing of Environment, 189, 96-107.
Hiester, H.R., S.L. Morey, Dukhovskoy, D., E.P. Chassignet, V.H. Kourafalou, C. Hu, 2016. A topological approach for quantitative comparisons of ocean model fields to satellite ocean color data. Methods in Oceanography, 17, 232-250.
Ozgokmen, T.M, E.P. Chassignet, C.N. Dawson, D. Dukhovskoy, G. Jacobs, J. Ledwell, O. Garcia-Peneda, I.R. MacDonald, S.L. Morey, M.J. Olascoaga, A.C. Poje, M. Reed, and J. Skancke, 2016. Over what area did the oil and gas spread during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill? Oceanography, 29(3), 96-107.
Dukhovskoy, D.S.,, P.G. Myers, G. Platov, M.-L. Timmermans, B. Curry, A. Proshutinsky, J.L. Bamber, E. Chassignet, X. Hu, C.M. Lee, R. Somavilla, 2016. Greenland freshwater pathways in the sub-Arctic Seas from model experiments with passive tracers. J. Geophys. Res., 121(1), 877-907, doi:10.1002/2015JC011290
Dukhovskoy, D.S.,, J. Ubnoske, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H.R. Hiester, A. Proshutinsky, 2015. Skill metrics for evaluation and comparison of sea ice models. J. Geophys. Res., 120, , doi:10.1002/2015JC010989
Proshutinsky, A.,D. Dukhovskoy, M.-L. Timmermans, R. Krishfield, J. Bamber, 2015. Arctic circulation regimes. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society A, A 373: 20140160, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2014.0160
Nguyen, T.-T., S.L. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and E.P. Chassignet, 2015. Non-local impacts of the Loop Current on cross-slope near-bottom flow in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. GRL I, 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL066304
Dukhovskoy, D.S., R.R. Leben, E.P. Chassignet, C. Hall, S.L. Morey, and R. Nedbor-Gross, 2015. Characterization of the Uncertainty of Loop Current Metrics using a Multidecadal Numerical Simulation and Altimeter Observations. Deep-Sea Res. I, 100, 140-158
Nedbor-Gross, R.,D.S., Dukhovskoy, M.A. Bourassa, S.L. Morey, and E. Chassignet, 2014. Investigation of the relationship between the Yucatan Channel transport and the Loop Current area in a multi-decadal numerical simulation. Marine Technology Society Journal, 48(4), 15-26
Morey, S.L. and D.S. Dukhovskoy, 2013. A downscaling method for simulating deep current interactions with topography Application to the Sigsbee Escarpment. Ocean Modelling, 69, 50-63
Garcia-Pineda, O., I. MacDonald, C. Hu, J. Svejkovsky, M. Hess, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and S.L. Morey, 2013. Detection of floating oil anomalies from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with synthetic aperture radar.Oceanography, 26(2), 124-137
Morey, S.L., and D.S. Dukhovskoy, 2012. Analysis methods for characterizing salinity variability from multivariate time series applied to the Apalachicola Bay estuary. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn., 29, 124-137
R. Harris, C. Pollman, D. Hutchinson, W. Landing, D. Axelrad, S. Morey, D. Dukhovskoy, and K. Vijayaraghavan, 2012. A screening model analysis of mercury sources, fate, and bioaccumulation in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Res., 119, 53-63
R. Harris, C. Pollman, W. Landing, D. Evans, D. Axelrad, D. Hutchinson, S. Morey, D. Rumbold, D. Dukhovskoy, D. Adams, K. Vijayaraghavan, C. Holmes, D. Atkinson, T. Myers, and E. Sunderland, 2012. Mercury in the Gulf of Mexico: Sources to receptors. Environmental Res., 119, 42-52
D.S. Dukhovskoy and S.L. Morey, 2011. Simulation of the Hurricane Dennis storm surge and considerations for vertical resolution. J. Natural Hazards, 58(1), 511-540
F. Gouillon, S.L. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and J.J. O’Brien, 2011. Forced tidal response in the Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res., 115(C10)
R. Harris, C. Pollman, W. Landing, S. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and D. Axelrad, 2010. Development of a dynamic Mercury cycling model for the Gulf of Mexico. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 74(12), A383
D.S. Dukhovskoy,S.L. Morey, P.J. Martin, J.J. O’Brien, C. Cooper, 2010. Application of a vanishing, quasi-sigma, vertical coordinate for simulation of high-speed, deep currents over the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Modelling, 28(4), 250-265
S.L. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and M.A. Bourassa, 2009. Connectivity between variability of the Apalachicola River flow and the biophysical oceanic properties of the northern West Florida Shelf. Continental Shelf Res., 29, 1264-1275
D.S. Dukhovskoy,, S.L. Morey, and J.J. O'Brien, 2009. Generation of baroclinic topographic waves by a tropical cyclone impacting a low-latitude continental shelf. Continental Shelf Res., 29, 333-351
D.S. Dukhovskoy, S.L. Morey, and J.J. O'Brien, 2006. Influence of multi-step topography on barotropic waves and consequences for numerical modeling. Ocean Modelling, 14, 45-60
D.S. Dukhovskoy, M. Johnson, and A. Proshutinsky, 2006. Arctic decadal variability from an idealized atmosphere-ice-ocean model. 1. Model description, calibration, and validation. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C06028
D.S. Dukhovskoy, M. Johnson, and A. Proshutinsky, 2006. Arctic decadal variability from an idealized atmosphere-ice-ocean model. 2. Simulation of decadal oscillations. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C06029
S.L. Morey, M.A. Bourassa, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and J.J. O'Brien, 2006. Modeling Studies of the Upper Ocean Response to a Tropical Storm. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C06029
S.L. Morey, S. Baig, M.A. Bourassa, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and J.J. O'Brien, 2006. Remote forcing contribution to storm-induced sea level rise during Hurricane Dennis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19603
D.S. Dukhovskoy, M. Johnson, and A. Proshutinsky, 2004. Arctic decadal variability: An auto-oscillatory system of heat and fresh water exchange. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L03302