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Validation of an Arctic/North Atlantic model system

Kristine Madsen, Till Rasmussen, Mads Ribergaard
Danish Meteorological Institute
(Abstract received 04/30/2015 for session X)

As offshore activities increases, the importance of forecasting ocean and sea ice parameters follows. DMI runs HYCOM coupled with CICE as an operational system covering the Arctic and North Atlantic, forced by the ECMWF atmospheric model. The resolution of the model system is around 10 km and it includes a simple assimilation scheme. This system runs twice a day and produces forecast for 6 days. In addition to the forecast, a 10 year hindcast (2004 – 2013) has been simulated. DMI is responsible for the operational oil spill modeling around Greenland. As a consequence of this an oil spill simulation system is ready in case of emergency.  This talk will present the operational setup, validation results from the hindcast simulation and examples of the oil spill simulations.

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2015 LOM Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark June 2nd - 4th, 2015