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Submitting Data to the WOCE-MET Data Center

WOCE surface meteorological data are important to the WOCE scientific effort. We have a very friendly policy regarding the submission of these data:

We will accept surface meteorological data in nearly any format chosen by the provider.

We will accept data via (in decreasing order of desirability) FTP, email, magnetic tapes (Exabyte, DAT, 0.5 inch, QIC), CD, floppy disks, and even in hard copy form.

All data should be accompanied with as much information about the data as is possible. We are interested in the data units, sensor type/model, location of the sensor relative to the ship (especially the height of the instrument above the water), recorded accuracy of the data, and any information on calibration (when were the instruments last calibrated) and station history (instrument replacement, malfunctions, etc).

Any of the following methods may be used to contact the DAC/SAC or to send data/metadata:

Regular mail:

Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2840


Telephone: (850) 644-6918 (Shawn Smith - Director)
Fax number: (850) 644-4841


login: anonymous
password: send full e-mail address
cd incoming

write data files and documentation and send an email
note to wocemet informing us of the data submission