import numpy as np from import read_field_names,read_field_grid_names,read_var_names NAN_TH = 2**99 # Nan threshold def subset_hycom_field(input_file: str, output_file:str, fields: list, layers=[]): """ This function will create a new set of .a and .b files, with a subset number of fields and layers. input_file: str Complete path to the .a or .b hycom output file. It can also be the name of the file without the extension output_file: str Name of the file to use as output. fields: list List of strings with the fields names to keep. layers: list List of integers that represent the z-index of each of the layers to keep. If empty, all layers are kept. """ # Selecting the proper name if input_file.endswith('.a') or input_file.endswith('.b'): input_file = input_file[:-2] if output_file.endswith('.a') or output_file.endswith('.b'): output_file = output_file[:-2] a_input_file = input_file+'.a' b_input_file = input_file+'.b' b_file = open(b_input_file, 'r') new_b_input_file = output_file+'.b' # Validate that the field names requested are available in the hycom file all_fields = read_field_names(b_input_file) if len(fields) == 0: fields = all_fields # print(F"Reading all the fields in the file: {fields}") if not(np.all([field in all_fields for field in fields])): print(F"Warning!!!!! Fields {[field for field in fields if not(field in all_fields)]} are not" F" in the hycom file {input_file}, removing them from the list.") fields = [field for field in fields if field in all_fields ] # Reading the header file (first 4 lines, just general info) b_file_lines = b_file.readlines() lon_size = int(b_file_lines[7].strip().split()[0]) lat_size = int(b_file_lines[8].strip().split()[0]) layer_size = lon_size*lat_size # size of each layer (it seems all the layers have the same size) npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Data of the new bfile new_b_file_lines = b_file_lines[:10] # Opening input and output files a_file = open(a_input_file, 'rb') a_output_file = open(F"{output_file}.a", 'wb') # Looking for the starting locations for each layer and each field field_loc = {field: [] for field in fields} for line_idx, cur_line in enumerate(b_file_lines[9:]): field = cur_line.split()[0].strip() if field in field_loc: if np.any(len(field_loc[field]) == np.array(layers)): new_b_file_lines.append(cur_line) offset = (line_idx-1) * (layer_size + npad) * 4 a_output_file.write( + npad) * 4)) field_loc[field].append(line_idx) file_output_b = open(F"{output_file}.b","w") file_output_b.write("".join(new_b_file_lines)) # Closing both files a_file.close() b_file.close() a_output_file.close() def read_hycom_fields(file_name: str, fields: list, layers=[], replace_to_nan=True): """ Reads hycom files (.a and .b) and returns the desired fields in a dictionary. file_name: str Complete path to the .a or .b hycom output file. It can also be the name of the file without the extension fields: list List of strings with the fields names to read. If empty, the function reads all the fields layers: list List of integers that represent the z-index of the layers to read. If empty, all the layers will be read. replace_to_nan: boolean Indicates if the nan values should be replaced with numpy nan skip: int number of line to skip to read b files variables """ # Selecting the proper name if file_name.endswith('.a') or file_name.endswith('.b'): file_name = file_name[:-2] a_file_name = file_name+'.a' b_file_name = file_name+'.b' b_file = open(b_file_name, 'r') # Validate that the field names requested are available in the hycom file all_fields = read_field_names(b_file_name) if len(fields) == 0: fields = all_fields # print(F"Reading all the fields in the file: {fields}") if not(np.all([field in all_fields for field in fields])): print(F"Warning!!!!! Fields {[field for field in fields if not(field in all_fields)]} are not" F" in the hycom file {file_name}, removing them from the list.") fields = [field for field in fields if field in all_fields ] # Reading the header file (first 4 lines, just general info) b_file_lines = b_file.readlines() hycom_ver = b_file_lines[4].strip().split()[0] exp_num = b_file_lines[5].strip().split()[0] lon_size = int(b_file_lines[7].strip().split()[0]) lat_size = int(b_file_lines[8].strip().split()[0]) layer_size = lon_size*lat_size # size of each layer (it seems all the layers have the same size) npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Printing basic information print(F"Hycom version: {hycom_ver}, Experiment: {exp_num}") for cur_line in range(3): print(b_file_lines[cur_line].strip()) # Looking for the starting locations for each layer and each field field_loc = {field: [] for field in fields} for line_idx, cur_line in enumerate(b_file_lines[9:]): field = cur_line.split()[0].strip() if field in field_loc: field_loc[field].append(line_idx) # Counting the number of layers for each field. num_layers = {field: len(field_loc[field]) for field in fields} print(F"Dims lon: {lon_size}, lat: {lat_size}") # Read layers for each field a_file = open(a_file_name, 'rb') # Define the layers that are going to be retrieved for each field if len(layers) != 0: layers_per_field = {field: [layer for layer in layers if layer in range(num_layers[field])] for field in fields} else: layers_per_field = {field: range(num_layers[field]) for field in fields} # Create the dictionary that will contain the np arrays with the fields information np_fields = {field: np.zeros((len(layers_per_field[field]), lat_size, lon_size)) for field in fields} for field in fields: print(F"\tReading layers {layers_per_field[field]} for field {field}. Total layers: {num_layers[field]}") # For each field read the proper section for each layer, from the binary file for field in fields: for cur_layer_idx, cur_layer in enumerate(layers_per_field[field]): offset = (field_loc[field][cur_layer]-1) * (layer_size+npad)*4 cur_layer_data = np.fromfile(file_name+'.a', dtype='>f', count=layer_size, offset=offset) if replace_to_nan: cur_layer_data[cur_layer_data > NAN_TH] = np.nan np_fields[field][cur_layer_idx, :, :] = np.reshape(cur_layer_data, (lat_size, lon_size)) # Closing both files a_file.close() b_file.close() return np_fields def read_hycom_grid(file_name: str, fields: list, replace_to_nan=True): """ Reads hycom grid files (.a and .b) and returns the desired fields in a dictionary. file_name: str Complete path to the .a or .b hycom output file. It can also be the name of the file without the extension fields: list List of strings with the fields names to read. If empty, the function reads all the fields replace_to_nan: boolean Indicates if the nan values should be replaced with numpy nan """ # Selecting the proper name if file_name.endswith('.a') or file_name.endswith('.b'): file_name = file_name[:-2] a_file_name = file_name+'.a' b_file_name = file_name+'.b' b_file = open(b_file_name, 'r') # Validate that the field names requested are available in the hycom file all_fields = read_field_grid_names(b_file_name) if len(fields) == 0: fields = all_fields # print(F"Reading all the fields in the file: {fields}") if not(np.all([field in all_fields for field in fields])): print(F"Warning!!!!! Fields {[field for field in fields if not(field in all_fields)]} are not" F" in the hycom file {file_name}, removing them from the list.") fields = [field for field in fields if field in all_fields ] # Reading the header file (first 4 lines, just general info) b_file_lines = b_file.readlines() lon_size = int(b_file_lines[0].strip().split()[0]) lat_size = int(b_file_lines[1].strip().split()[0]) layer_size = lon_size*lat_size # size of each layer (it seems all the layers have the same size) npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Looking for the starting locations for each layer and each field field_loc = {field: [] for field in fields} for line_idx, cur_line in enumerate(b_file_lines[3:]): field = cur_line.split()[0].strip() field = field[:-1] #print(field) if field in field_loc: field_loc[field].append(line_idx) # Counting the number of layers for each field. num_layers = {field: len(field_loc[field]) for field in fields} print(F"Dims lon: {lon_size}, lat: {lat_size},num_layers: {num_layers}") # Read layers for each field a_file = open(a_file_name, 'rb') # Define the layers that are going to be retrieved for each field layers=[0] if len(layers) != 0: layers_per_field = {field: [layer for layer in layers if layer in range(num_layers[field])] for field in fields} else: layers_per_field = {field: range(num_layers[field]) for field in fields} # Create the dictionary that will contain the np arrays with the fields information np_fields = {field: np.zeros((lat_size, lon_size)) for field in fields} for field in fields: print(F"\tReading layers {layers_per_field[field]} for field {field}. Total layers: {num_layers[field]}") # For each field read the proper section for each layer, from the binary file for field in fields: for cur_layer_idx, cur_layer in enumerate(layers_per_field[field]): offset = (field_loc[field][cur_layer]) * (layer_size+npad)*4 cur_layer_data = np.fromfile(file_name+'.a', dtype='>f', count=layer_size, offset=offset) if replace_to_nan: cur_layer_data[cur_layer_data > NAN_TH] = np.nan np_fields[field][:, :] = np.reshape(cur_layer_data, (lat_size, lon_size)) # Closing both files a_file.close() b_file.close() return np_fields def sub_var2(file_name:str, idm, jdm, ivar,replace_to_nan=True,**kwargs): """ read 2d variable in hycom files using a npad file_name : file name '.a' idm, jdm : dimension for full domain ivar : index of the 2d variable **kwarg: [ii],[jj] : optional subset domain array """ ## default values of vmin, vmax and cmap ii = kwargs.get('ii', np.zeros([0])) jj = kwargs.get('jj', np.zeros([0])) ## Dimensions of the domain ijdm = idm*jdm ## NPAD size npad = 4096-np.mod(ijdm, 4096) if (ii.shape[0] != 0): if (np.max(ii) > idm-1): print('max ii > to idm-1 - stop') return if (np.max(jj) > jdm-1): print('max jj > to jdm-1 - stop') return ni = ii.shape[0] ; nj=jj.shape[0] var = np.zeros([nj, ni]) offs = ivar-1 for j in np.arange(nj): dstart = (ivar-1)*(ijdm+npad)*4 + (jj[j]*idm + ii[0])*4 result = np.fromfile(file_name,dtype='>f', count=ni, offset=dstart) var[j, :] = result[:] ## Put nan on missing values if replace_to_nan: var[var > 1e20] = np.nan else: ## find data offset dstart = (ivar-1)*(ijdm+npad)*4 #print(dstart) ## Tab Declaration var = np.zeros([jdm,idm])+ 100 result = np.fromfile(file_name,dtype='>f', count=ijdm, offset=dstart) var[:,:] = np.reshape(result, (jdm, idm)) ## Put nan on missing values if replace_to_nan: var[var > 1e20] = np.nan return var def read_hycom_depth(file_name:str, idm, jdm, replace_to_nan=True): """ Read depth file from HYCOM (2D field) file_name: string name of the file with path idm, jdm: int size of the 2D field replace_to_nan: bool if True replace huge values by NaN """ layer_size=idm*jdm depth=np.fromfile(file_name,dtype='>f',count=layer_size) if replace_to_nan: depth[depth > NAN_TH] = np.nan bathy=np.reshape(depth,(jdm,idm)) print(F"Bathymetry Min value:{np.nanmin(bathy)}, Max value:{np.nanmax(bathy)}") return bathy def read_hycom_var(file_name: str, fields: list, idm,jdm, skipb, replace_to_nan=True): """ Reads hycom grid files (.a and .b) and returns the desired fields in a dictionary. file_name: str Complete path to the .a or .b hycom output file. It can also be the name of the file without the extension fields: list List of strings with the fields names to read. If empty, the function reads all the fields idm,jdm: int size of the array to read skipb: int number of lines to skip in the .b file to get to variable names replace_to_nan: boolean Indicates if the nan values should be replaced with numpy nan """ # Selecting the proper name if file_name.endswith('.a') or file_name.endswith('.b'): file_name = file_name[:-2] a_file_name = file_name+'.a' b_file_name = file_name+'.b' b_file = open(b_file_name, 'r') # Validate that the field names requested are available in the hycom file all_fields = read_var_names(b_file_name,skipb=skipb) if len(fields) == 0: fields = all_fields # print(F"Reading all the fields in the file: {fields}") if not(np.all([field in all_fields for field in fields])): print(F"Warning!!!!! Fields {[field for field in fields if not(field in all_fields)]} are not" F" in the hycom file {file_name}, removing them from the list.") fields = [field for field in fields if field in all_fields ] # Reading the header file (first 4 lines, just general info) b_file_lines = b_file.readlines() lon_size = idm lat_size = jdm layer_size = lon_size*lat_size # size of each layer (it seems all the layers have the same size) npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Looking for the starting locations for each layer and each field field_loc = {field: [] for field in fields} for line_idx, cur_line in enumerate(b_file_lines[skipb:]): field = cur_line.split()[0].strip() #field = field[:-1] #print(field) if field in field_loc: field_loc[field].append(line_idx) # Counting the number of layers for each field. num_layers = {field: len(field_loc[field]) for field in fields} print(F"Dims lon: {lon_size}, lat: {lat_size},num_layers: {num_layers}") # Read layers for each field a_file = open(a_file_name, 'rb') # Define the layers that are going to be retrieved for each field layers=[0] if len(layers) != 0: layers_per_field = {field: [layer for layer in layers if layer in range(num_layers[field])] for field in fields} else: layers_per_field = {field: range(num_layers[field]) for field in fields} # Create the dictionary that will contain the np arrays with the fields information np_fields = {field: np.zeros((lat_size, lon_size)) for field in fields} for field in fields: print(F"\tReading layers {layers_per_field[field]} for field {field}. Total layers: {num_layers[field]}") # For each field read the proper section for each layer, from the binary file for field in fields: for cur_layer_idx, cur_layer in enumerate(layers_per_field[field]): offset = (field_loc[field][cur_layer]) * (layer_size+npad)*4 cur_layer_data = np.fromfile(file_name+'.a', dtype='>f', count=layer_size, offset=offset) if replace_to_nan: cur_layer_data[cur_layer_data > NAN_TH] = np.nan np_fields[field][:, :] = np.reshape(cur_layer_data, (lat_size, lon_size)) # Closing both files a_file.close() b_file.close() return np_fields def write_hycom_depth(field,file_name:str,description:str): """ write HYCOM depth file field: 2 D array of bathymetry file_name: str name of the file description: str first line of b file """ # size of each layer idm=field.shape[1] ; jdm=field.shape[0] layer_size=idm*jdm npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Selecting the proper name if file_name.endswith('.a') or file_name.endswith('.b'): file_name = file_name[:-2] a_file_name = file_name+'.a' b_file_name = file_name+'.b' ## change precision of field field32=np.array(field,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout=open(a_file_name,'wb') fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) fout.close() # writing .b file field32[field32 > 1e5]=np.nan b_file=[description,F"idm/jdm= {idm} {jdm}"," "," "," ",\ "min, max depth = {0:14.7E} {1:14.7E}".format(np.nanmin(field32),np.nanmax(field32))] fbout=open(b_file_name,'w') fbout.writelines("%s\n" % i for i in b_file) fbout.close() def write_hycom_grid(file_name:str,plon, plat, qlon, qlat, ulon, ulat, \ vlon, vlat, pang,pscx, pscy, qscx, qscy, uscx, uscy, vscx, vscy, cori, pasp,mapflg): """ write HYCOM grid file file_name: str name of the file fields to provide """ # size of each layer idm=plon.shape[1] ; jdm=plon.shape[0] layer_size=idm*jdm npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Selecting the proper name if file_name.endswith('.a') or file_name.endswith('.b'): file_name = file_name[:-2] a_file_name = file_name+'.a' b_file_name = file_name+'.b' ## open file fout=open(a_file_name,'wb') ## plon field32=np.array(plon,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## plat field32=np.array(plat,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## qlon field32=np.array(qlon,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## qlat field32=np.array(qlat,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## ulon field32=np.array(ulon,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## ulat field32=np.array(ulat,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## vlon field32=np.array(vlon,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## vlat field32=np.array(vlat,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## pang field32=np.array(pang,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## pscx field32=np.array(pscx,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## pscy field32=np.array(pscy,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## qscx field32=np.array(qscx,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## qscy field32=np.array(qscy,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## uscx field32=np.array(uscx,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## uscy field32=np.array(uscy,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## vscx field32=np.array(vscx,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## vscy field32=np.array(vscy,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## cori field32=np.array(cori,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) ## pasp field32=np.array(pasp,dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) fout.close() # writing .b file b_file=[F" {idm} 'idm ' = longitudinal array size",\ F" {jdm} 'jdm ' = latitudinal array size",\ F" {mapflg} 'mapflg' = map flag (0=mercator,10=panam,12=ulon-panam)",\ "plon: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(plon),np.nanmax(plon)),\ "plat: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(plat),np.nanmax(plat)),\ "qlon: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(qlon),np.nanmax(qlon)),\ "qlat: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(qlat),np.nanmax(qlat)),\ "ulon: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(ulon),np.nanmax(ulon)),\ "ulat: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(ulat),np.nanmax(ulat)),\ "vlon: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(vlon),np.nanmax(vlon)),\ "vlat: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(vlat),np.nanmax(vlat)),\ "pang: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(pang),np.nanmax(pang)),\ "pscx: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(pscx),np.nanmax(pscx)),\ "pscy: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(pscy),np.nanmax(pscy)),\ "qscx: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(qscx),np.nanmax(qscx)),\ "qscy: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(qscy),np.nanmax(qscy)),\ "uscx: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(uscx),np.nanmax(uscx)),\ "uscy: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(uscy),np.nanmax(uscy)),\ "vscx: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(vscx),np.nanmax(vscx)),\ "vscy: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(vscy),np.nanmax(vscy)),\ "cori: min,max = {0:15.5E} {1:15.5E}".format(np.nanmin(cori),np.nanmax(cori)),\ "pasp: min,max = {0:15.7E} {1:15.7E}".format(np.nanmin(pasp),np.nanmax(pasp))] fbout=open(b_file_name,'w') fbout.writelines("%s\n" % i for i in b_file) fbout.close() def write_hycom_relax(filename:str,fieldname:str,density,field): """ subroutine to write HYCOM relax files filename:string of absolute path+filename fieldname: string 'intf' or 'temp' or 'saln' density: 1-D float array density layer values field: 2-D float array """ # size of each layer idm=field.shape[1] ; jdm=field.shape[0] kdm=field.shape[2] ; tdm=field.shape[3] layer_size=idm*jdm npad = 4096-np.mod(layer_size, 4096) # Selecting the proper name if filename.endswith('.a') or filename.endswith('.b'): filename = filename[:-2] a_file_name = filename+'.a' b_file_name = filename+'.b' if (fieldname == 'intf'): long_name='Interface Depths' ; short_name = ' int ' if (fieldname == 'temp'): long_name = 'Potential Temperature' ; short_name = ' tem ' if (fieldname == 'saln'): long_name = 'Salinity' ; short_name = ' sal ' ## open file fout=open(a_file_name,'wb') ## relax .a file for t in np.arange(tdm): for k in np.arange(kdm): field32=np.array(field[:,:,k,t],dtype='>f4') ## float32 big_endian ## writing .a file fout.write(np.reshape(field32,layer_size)) if (npad != 4096): fout.write(np.zeros([npad],dtype='>f4')) fout.close() # writing .b file field[field > 1e20]=np.nan fbout=open(b_file_name,'w') fbout.write(long_name+"\n") fbout.write(" \n") fbout.write(" \n") fbout.write(" \n") fbout.write(F"i/jdm = {idm},{jdm} \n") for t in np.arange(tdm): for k in np.arange(kdm): fbout.write(short_name+": month,layer,dens,range = {0:02d} {1:02d} {2:6.3f} {3:12.5E} {4:12.5E} \n".\ format(t+1,k+1,density[k],np.nanmin(field[:,:,k,t]),np.nanmax(field[:,:,k,t]))) fbout.close()