IDENTIFICATION: Identification header NAME: Station Name Length:30 USAF: FIXED-WEATHER-STATION USAF MASTER STATION CATALOG identifier This identifier includes all surface reporting stations, including ships, buoys, etc. Length:6 Default Value:999999 NCDC: FIXED-WEATHER-STATION NCDC WBAN identifier This identifier includes all surface reporting stations. Length:5 Default Value:99999 DATE: GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION date The date of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION, comprised of integer values 0-9 in the format YYYYMMDD. Length:8 Default Value:99999999 HRMN: GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION time The time of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION based on Coordinated Universal Time Code (UTC). Comprised of integer values 0-9 in the format HHMM. HH is restricted to values 00-23; MM is restricted to values 00-59. Length:4 Default Value:9999 I: GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION data source flag The flag of a GEOPHYSICAL-POINT-OBSERVATION showing the source or combination of sources used in creating the observation. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1 = DATSAV3 observation, candidate for merge with TD3280 (not yet merged, failed element comparison checks) 2 = TD3280 observation, candidate for merge with DATSAV3 (not yet merged, failed element comparison checks) 3 = DATSAV3/TD3280 merged observation 4 = DATSAV3 observation 5 = TD3280 observation A = DATSAV3/TD3240 merged observation, candidate for merge with TD3280 (not yet merged, failed element comparison checks) B = TD3280/TD3240 merged observation, candidate for merge with DATSAV3 (not yet merged, failed element comparison checks) C = DATSAV3/TD3280/TD3240 merged observation D = DATSAV3/TD3240 merged observation E = TD3280/TD3240 merged observation TYPE: GEOPHYSICAL-REPORT-TYPE code The code that denotes the type of geophysical surface observation. Length:5 Default Value:99999 Table of Values: FM-12 = SYNOP Report of surface observation form a fixed land station FM-13 = SHIP Report of surface observation from a sea station FM-14 = SYNOP MOBIL Report of surface observation from a mobile land station FM-15 = METAR Aviation routine weather report FM-16 = SPECI Aviation selected special weather report FM-18 = BUOY Report of a buoy observation SAO = Airways report (includes record specials) SAOSP = Airways special report (excluding record specials) AERO = Aerological report AUTO = Report from an automatic station SY-AE = Synoptic and aero merged report SY-SA = Synoptic and airways merged report SY-MT = Synoptic and METAR merged report SY-AU = Synoptic and auto merged report SA-AU = Airways and auto merged report S-S-A = Synoptic, airways, and auto merged report BOGUS = Bogus report SMARS = Supplementary airways station report WIND: Wind header DIR: WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle The angle, measured in a clockwise direction, between true north and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Length:3 Scale:1 Unit:Angular Degrees Default Value:999 Q: WIND-OBSERVATION direction quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION direction angle. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present I: WIND-OBSERVATION type code The code that denotes the character of the WIND-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: C: Calm N: Normal Q: Squall V: Variable SPD: WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate The rate of horizontal travel of air past a fixed point. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Meters per second Default Value:9999 Q: WIND-OBSERVATION speed quality code The code that denotes a quality status of a reported WIND-OBSERVATION speed rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present TEMP: Temperature header TEMP: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION air temperature The temperature of the air. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION air temperature quality code The code that denotes a quality status of an AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present DEWPT: Dew point header DEWPT: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION dew point temperature The temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order for saturation to occur. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: AIR-TEMPERATURE-OBSERVATION dew point quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the reported dew point temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: Precipitation header #1 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION period quantity #1 The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth/amount #1 The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION condition code #1 The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION amount was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION quality code #1 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: Precipitation header #2 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION period quantity #2 The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth/amount #2 The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION condition code #2 The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION amount was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION quality code #2 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: Precipitation header #3 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION period quantity #3 The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth/amount #3 The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION condition code #3 The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION amount was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION quality code #3 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present PRECIP: Precipitation header #4 PR: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION period quantity #4 The quantity of time over which the LIQUID-PRECIPITATION was measured. Length:2 Scale:1 Unit:Hours Default Value:99 AMT: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION depth/amount #4 The depth of LIQUID-PRECIPITATION that is measured at the time of an observation. Length:4 Scale:10 Unit:Millimeters Default Value:9999 I: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION condition code #4 The code that denotes whether a LIQUID-PRECIPITATION amount was a trace value. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 1: Measurement impossible or inaccurate 2: Trace Q: LIQUID-PRECIPITATION quality code #4 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported LIQUID-PRECIPITATION data. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present EXT TEMP: Max-min temperature header #1 PR: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE period quantity #1 The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE code #1 The code that denotes an EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a maximum or a minimum. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: N: Minimum temperature M: Maximum temperature TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature #1 The temperature of the high or low air temperature for a given period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code #1 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present EXT TEMP: Max-min temperature header #2 PR: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE period quantity #2 The quantity of time over which temperatures were sampled to determine the EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE. Length:3 Scale:10 Unit:Hours Default Value:999 I: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE code #2 The code that denotes an EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE as a maximum or a minimum. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: N: Minimum temperature M: Maximum temperature TEMP: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature #2 The temperature of the high or low air temperature for a given period. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Degrees Celsius Default Value:+9999 Q: EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature quality code #2 The code that denotes a quality status of the reported EXTREME-AIR-TEMPERATURE temperature. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present PRESSURE: Pressure header ALT: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION altimeter setting The pressure value to which an aircraft altimeter is set so that it will indicate the altitude relative to mean sea level of an aircraft on the ground at the location for which the value was determined. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION altimeter quality code The code that denotes a quality status of an altimeter setting rate. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present STP: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION station pressure The atmospheric pressure at the observation point. Length:5 Scale:10 Unit:Hectopascals Default Value:99999 Q: ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION station pressure quality code The code that denotes a quality status of the station pressure of an ATMOSPHERIC-PRESSURE-OBSERVATION. Length:1 Default Value:9 Table of Values: 0 = Passed gross limits check 1 = Passed all quality control checks 2 = Suspect 3 = Erroneous 4 = Passed gross limits check, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 5 = Passed all quality control checks, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 6 = Suspect, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 7 = Erroneous, from TD3280 or NCDC ASOS/AWOS 9 = Passed gross limits check if element is present RHX: Relative Humidity header RH: RELATIVE-HUMIDITY-CALCULATION computed relative humidity The computed relative humidity Length:3 Scale:1 Default Value:999 Table of Values: Formula used for calculating relative humidity: RH=((6.11*10^(7.5*D/237.7+D))/(6.11*10^(7.5*T/237.3+T))*100