Collocated VOS observations (speed and direction) used in
the GEOS-1 analyses and NSCAT winds are quality controlled, and all
observations within the spatial and temporal collocation criteria and pass the quality control are averaged. Quality control
involves (1) gross comparison to GEOS DAS wind fields, (2) comparison to
variational analysis. Wind speeds are height adjusted to a ten meter reference
Rather than converting the ship observations to equivalent neutral winds, they are height adjusted assuming a 19.5 m reference height, neutral atmospheric stratification, and a roughness length of 0.152 mm.
The ambiguity used in the comparison is the closest ambiguity rather than the selected ambiguity.
Buoys used in the GEOS-1 analyses are processed in the same
manner as the VOS observations, except that the reference height is assumed to be 5 m.
25 km resolution SSM/I winds are bilinearly interpolated
to NSCAT observation locations.
NCEP winds (2x2.5°) are bilineraly
interpolated to NSCAT observation locations.
GEOS-1 winds are bilineraly interpolated, from a 2.0° latitude by 2.5° longitue grid, to NSCAT observation
ERS-2 Scatterometer
Collocated winds with the closest ambiguities (ERS-2 and
NSCAT) to the validation data set. A variational analysis method (VAM) was used to quality check the data as follows:
1) gross outliers eliminated using GEOS analysis.
2) variational analysis of data performed using GEOS analysis (as background) with weak constraints.
3) QC performed relative to the new analysis with tighter constraints.
Steve Bloom
Joe Terry
Joe Ardizzone
Atlas, R., S. C. Bloom, R. N. Hoffman, E. Brin, J. Ardizzone,
J. Terry, D. Bungato, and J. C. Jusem, 1998: Geophysical validation of
NSCAT winds using atmospheric data and analyses. J. Geophys. Res.,
NSCAT special issue.