The IFREMER team will perform a collocation between QuikSCAT and the ERS-2 scatterometer and altimeter, TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeters and SSM/I. Both L2A and L2B products will be collocated with measurements derived from these sensors. Two collocation products will be available: Total and Minimal products. The first will contain, for each area where there is collocation, for each sensor, the extracted datasets from IFREMER database as well as an index describing the areas of collocation. The second one will be derived from the collocation between cells of the two sensors based on a time-space separation. A brief details about this proposed product follows.
The IFREMER FTP site for QuikSCAT cal/val is arranged as follows.
Top level: /pub/ifremer/cersat/quikscat/
The entire "quikscat" directory is also available on the podaac FTP server ( under /pub/tmp/ifremer
Now you can access the data through anonymous FTP for test purpose, but during the CAL/VAL period, the access to the data on both FTP servers will be restricted to the Quikscat science team members authorised by JPL.
Furthermore, by mid-August, the QuikScat data as well as the QuikScat collocated data will also be available through our WWW extraction facility allowing geographical and temporal sub-setting ( Through this interface collocated data between SSM/I and Quikscat will also be available. You will access to this facility under the heading "access to our internet services" :
If you have difficulties handling these data, fell free to contact us at
Furthermore, IFREMER is involved in the collocation between buoys (NDBC, European and Japanese) and QuikSCAT wind vectors and sigma-0 estimates. These data will collected by H. Graber and will be available for all investigators who need this kind of data in near real time for the QSCAT PIs, engineers etc.
Estimated Delay:
Data will be available within 2 weeks of the time IFREMER receives them from JPL.Data availability:
Contact Information:
Abderrahim Bentamy - Sylvie POULIQUEN