Appendix 3: Example output from ncdump

The attributes of the file rcm00683.cdf obtainded from ncdump -h. This is equivalent to the matlab inqnc command. It describes the global attributes, and each of the variables.

netcdf rcm00683 {


time = UNLIMITED ; // (36434 currently)


double date(time) ;

date:long_name = "date (yr, mo, day)" ;

date:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;

date:valid_range = 19800101, 20101231 ;

double time(time) ;

time:long_name = "time of day" ;

time:units = "hhmmss.dd" ;

time:valid_range = 0., 2359.59 ;

float speed(time) ;

speed:units = "m/sec" ;

speed:valid_range = 0., 3. ;

float direction(time) ;

direction:long_name = "true direction (toward)" ;

direction:units = "degrees" ;

direction:valid_range = 0., 360. ;

float u(time) ;

u:long_name = "eastward velocity component" ;

u:units = "m/sec" ;

u:valid_range = -3., 3. ;

float v(time) ;

v:long_name = "northward velocity component" ;

v:units = "m/sec" ;

v:valid_range = -3., 3. ;

float temperature(time) ;

temperature:long_name = "water temperature" ;

temperature:units = "degrees C" ;

float pressure(time) ;

pressure:units = "decibars" ;

// global attributes:

:experiment_name = "Deep Currents (PCM6)" ;

:mooring_name = "WHOI 942" ;

:pi_name = "B.Owens/B.Warren" ;

:instrument_type = "VACM" ;

:latitude = " 36.4025" ;

:longitude = " 150.2307" ;

:instrument_depth = "2001.0 m" ;

:seafloor_depth = " 5829 m" ;

:sampling_interval = " 30 min" ;

:earliest_start_time = "08-jun-1993 12:15:00" ;

:latest_stop_time = "07-jul-1995 12:45:00" ;

:null_value = -999.9 ;
