Florida Current

  1. Structure of the Florida Current  at 27ºN

From Leaman et al. (1987)

  1. Cross section of average east (a) and north (b) velocity component at 27ºN between Apr 1984 and Jul 1984.

  1. Structure of the Florida Current  at 27ºN in HYCOM

From experiment 74.2, HYCOM 1/12º Global configuration with assimilation.

Monthly Field from the period Jun 2007 to Oct 2010:

• Power Density (Watt/m2) of the Florida Current  at 27ºN in HYCOM (expt_74.2)


Monthly Field from the period Jan 2008 to Sep 2009:

Monthly Northward velocity (m/s) for 2008 at 27ºN

Monthly Power density (W/m2) for 2008 at 27ºN

  1. Transport at 27ºN (1Sv = 106 m3/s)

Comparison between monthly field of Obs (Cable), HYCOM expt_74.2  and HYCOM expt_74.2 + 10% velocity

Total Power Availability (GW = 109 Watts) from Jun 2007 to Oct 2009 with respect to the velocity

Total Power availability vs Transport at 27ºN (1Sv = 106 m3/s) for values from 2008 and 2009 of HYCOM  expt_74.2 +10%.  (  Ptot = a* Trtot +const )

For HYCOM expt_74.2

Ptot = 1.42*Tr - 25.61

For HYCOM expt_74.2 + 10%

Ptot = 1.72*Tr - 34.08

The HYCOM results of total Power availability (P) can be expressed as a function of the meridional velocity (U) with a 2nd order regression as : P= aU2 + bU +c (black lines vs. blue lines) with c total power.

Values of a (top) and b (bottom) for each month from June 2007 to Oct 2009.

  1. The average a is  -6.81  and b 3.07.

P=-6.81*U2 +3.07*U + Ptot

Total Power Availability (GW = 109 Watts) from Jun 2007 to Oct 2009 with respect to the velocity for HYCOM+10%, regression and from the Cable

Values of a (top) and b (bottom) for each month from June 2007 to Oct 2009

HYCOM +10%.

  1. The average a is  -7.50  and b 3.71.

P=-7.50*U2 +3.71*U + Ptot

Total Power Availability (GW = 109 Watts) from Jun 2007 to Oct 2009 with respect to the velocity from the Cable data.

Evolution of the Total Power Availability (GW = 109 Watts) for V=1m/s.