2nd Oceanography Symposium
This symposium was held in November 2007. It consisted on 2 sessions, talk in the morning and poster in the afternoon.
Objectives of the Meeting
The main objective of organizing this meeting was to give a chance to student to be in a
conference like environment, present their actual
academic work in a more formal way as well as mixing up the different field of Oceanography: chemistry, biology and physical.
Downloadable Program (0.6 Mb)
List of Oral Presentation (17)
- Akob, D.,
Determination of
metabolically active microbial groups in radionuclide contamination subsurface sediments at the Oak Ridge Field Research, Oak Ridge, TN.
- Buck, C.,
Aerosol Iron solubilities and estimated fluxes to the
North Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
- Faure, V.,
A statistical inverse model in the
Southeastern Pacific ocean.
- Suryputra, I.,
The behavior of dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) in the pristine subterranean estuary.
- Yin, J.,
Ocean climate simulation with CCSM3/HYCOM.
- McGregor, A.,
The influence of body condition on
buoyancy in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis).
(16 Mb)
- Corbett, L.,
Radon and CH4 tracing of groundwater flow
and surface water interactions at Wakulla Springs.
- Nelson, J.,
Flux by fin: the true story of a little
fish on an epic journey to become a snack fish mediated carbon and nutrient flux between northeastern Gulf of Mexico seagrass beds and
offshore reef fish community.
- Rycyk, A.,
Acoustic environments of bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Big Bend region of Florida.
- Santos, I.,
Tracing anthropogenically-driven
groundwater discharge into a coastal laggon from southern Brazil.
(8.5 Mb)
- Bourassa, M.,
Measuring surface turbulent stress from
- Scheef, L.,
The retention of Copepod resting eggs in
patches of sea grass in comparison to bare sediment in a high energy area.
- Morey, S.,
Connectivity between variablity of the
Apalachicola river flow and the biophysical oceanic properties of the Northern West Florida Shelf.
- Kowalczk, A.,
Speleoclimatology of a wild Florida cave:
the present is key to the past.
- Dimova, N.,
What happens to the largest Florida
spring during a prolonged drought? An investigation of Spring Creek Springs using radon isotopes.
- Maksimova, E.,
Stokes' drift off the North Florida coast.
- Misra, S.,
High precision low-blank Lithium isotope
ratios in Forams.
List of Poster Presentation (17)
Presentations available for download in ppt are underlined
- Boisserie, M.,
Impact of TRMM precipitation
assimilation on soil moisture in the coupled land-atmosphere FSU/COAPS model.
- Bozec, A.,
The influence of the NAO on the mediterranean
outflow water path in the North Atlantic.
(3.5 Mb)
- Chien, C.,
Combination satellite and in-situ data to
estimate mixed layer depth by 1-D second moment closure mixed layer model.
(2 Mb)
- Chipman, L.,
Degradation of dissolved organic carbon in
permeable sediments.
(2.1 Mb)
- Dong, J.,
Ocean transition layer statistics.
(0.5 Mb)
- Dukhovskoy, D.,
Generation of baroclinic topographic waves by a
tropical cyclone impacting a low-latitude continental shelf.
(4.1 Mb)
- Easton, E.,
use of mitochondrial cytochrome b as a tool for
re-evaluation of the northern Gulf of Mexico species of the Zausodes complex.
- Gihring, T.,
Nitrogen removal rates and temperature regulation
of microbial communities mediating denitrification and anammox in Arctic marine sediments.
- Gosnell, K.,
Anthropogenic influences of Mercury
concentrations in 'Snag Lake' sediment.
(3.8 Mb)
- Gouillon, F.,
Forced tidal response in the Gulf of Mexico.
(4.15 Mb)
- Hughes, P.,
Comparison of surface turbulent flux products.
(2.6 Mb)
- Moroni, D.,
A global and regional comparison of air-sea flux
(4.9 Mb)
- Mwashote, B.,
Submarine groundwater (SGD) seepmeter
measurements: eradication of artifacts and the Bernoulli influence.
(0.7 Mb)
- Rahter, B.,
Turbulence in the well-mixed to thermocline
transition layer.
- Rolph, J.,
The shipboard automated meteorological and
oceanographic system (SAMOS) initiative.
- Tyson, R.,
Nonlinear phenomena in the vocalizations of North
Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and killer whales (Orcinus orca).
(15 Mb)
- Van Horn, T.,
Influence of the flow/turbulence and
light/turbidity on benthic and pelagic primary production in the NE Gulf of Mexico.
(0.8 Mb)
"Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of
the pool or you go out in the ocean" C. Reeve
Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Florida State University 200 R.M. Johnson Bldg, Tallahassee, FL, 32306-2840
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