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From Baffin Bay to Arctic scale ocean and sea ice modeling

Till Rasmussen, Kristine Madsen, Mads Ribergaard
Danish Meteorological Institute
(Abstract received 04/30/2015 for session X)

The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) has a large focus on the area around Greenland. Therefore it is essential for DMI to be able to forecast the ocean and sea ice conditions on both short and long time scales. This talk presents two projects where DMI is involved   We introduce a high resolution coupled regional model system that describes ocean, atmosphere and sea ice processes in the Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic. The system has been developed using three existing models, the regional atmospheric model HIRHAM5, HYCOM and the CICE model that describes sea ice. Analysis of a two year simulation indicates that the model can successfully reproduce the interannual and seasonal variability in sea ice extent within the bounds of internal variability in the system.   The second part will focus on Baffin Bay. The main operational setup that DMI operates at a resolution of approximately 10 km. In some cases this resolution is to coarse. Therefore DMI is testing a regional setup of Baffin Bay and the Canadian Archipelago with a resolution of 2-6 km. Focus will be on the differences between the fine and the coarse resolution setup.

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2015 LOM Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark June 2nd - 4th, 2015