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   Access a table of planned or completed CLIVAR hydrographic cruises provided by the CLIVAR-IPO. Also available is the status of CLIVAR underway meteorological data provided to the DAC. All CLIVAR chief scientists are encouraged to submit their meteorological data.

Additional ship-board meteorological data are available for past field experiments.

   The CLIVAR Data Assembly Center obtains the underway meteorological from CLIVAR cruises directly from principal investigators, national data centers, and vessel operators. The underway data are converted to a common netCDF format and are then quality controlled using automated and visual inspections. Automated routines identify unrealistic values, statistical outliers, incorrect ship positions and movement, and values that are out of proper time sequence. A visual evaluation of all variables is completed by trained meteorologists to identify significant problems or identify interesting meteorological events. Each problematic data value is assigned an appropricate quality flag.

  Statement of goals and progress for CLIVAR.

  The documentation on this web site includes our complete quality control handbook, describing every aspect of our data assessment and verification protocols; an addendum to the handbook, our file naming convention and data formats.

A list of other CLIVAR resources.

  Retrieve useful computer codes and other utilities to aid your data analysis efforts. Included is the NetCDF Primer: an introduction on how to read and understand NetCDF files. Download code for correct computation of true (earth-relative) winds from moving vessels.

   As the holdings of the CLIVAR surface meteorology DAC grow, additional information will be made available under site contents. For now documentation of our file formats and some useful tools and utilities are available.

   Access CLIVAR relevant publications produced by the DAC.

True winds

Report from 1st High-Res Marine Workshop

  Our thanks to those who made the collection, inspection, and compilation of the research vessel data possible.

Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center

Webmaster: Tina Suen
Contacts: Shawn Smith
Copyright (c) 2004 COAPS