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ASCAT-B L2 OVW Coastal Grid Spacing Swath (NRT)

ASCAT-B data are produced by KMNI ( The COAPS version has been modified to provide only the selected ambiguity (the most likely wind vector), geoposition and tine data, plus a diagnostic data in one file for each day (GMT). Key metadata are also preserved. Note that ASCAT-B has two swaths of data, separated by a large nadir gap.

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 Date Ranges Available: October 29, 2012 - Present

Entire dataset
Compressed dataset of all files
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Single Year
Compressed set of select files
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Single Month
Compressed set of select files
Note: If this download method is selected, a download link will be e-mailed to you due to the large size of the dataset
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Daily File
Individual uncompressed file