There are many methods of measuring the moisture content of air. When data sets are combined, it is likely that several methods have been used. In most boundary layer applications, these measurements must be converted to specific humidity. This routine converts all the common humidity measurements to specific humidity.

find_q Input

ParameterTypeDescription Units
moist_prmintoption for humidity observation units none
moist_valfloatvalue of humidity observations variable
pressfloatatmospheric pressure Pa
temperaturefloattemperature of air oC

Options for Input Humidity (moist_prm)

Choose the moisture parameter that is easiest for you to deal with:

moist_prmParameter for moisture (moist_val) Units
Specific humidity g vapor / g air
Relative humidity fraction
Dew point temperature C
Wet bulb temperature C

find_q Output

The function returns specific humidity in units of kg kg-1.

Last update: Sept. 22, 2012

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