Originally the BVW code
Version 1998.3: Updated 21 Oct. 1998:
- Added period as sea state input.
- Improved stability of algorithm for non-zero relative wind angles.
Version 1998.4: Updated 22 Oct. 1998:
- fixed bug in wet bulb derived specific humidity.
Version 1998.5: Updated 2 Nov. 1998:
- Logic in sea state portion of roughness length tightened to better work with non-zero relative wind angles.
- Wind and waves moving perpendicular the specified wave direction (parallel to the crests) are assumed to be in local equilibrium.
- Height correction for wind speed accurately considers two surface dimensions.
Version 1999.0: Updated 18 Jan. 1999:
- Global variables removed and passed to routines as needed. Calling the three main subroutines (ht_adj, pmix, and find_q) is transpatent to these changes.
- Conditions of non-local equilibrium allowed with seastate parameter (ss_prm) equal to 0. For this input option only, previous versions reset the input sea state value to the equilibrium value (1.0).
Version 1999.0a: Updated 25 Aug. 1999:
- Minor change to subroutine f_bstar. Change in output is negligible.
Version 1999.0b: Updated 30 Nov. 1999:
- Slight change in subroutine names (pmix -> pmix_; ht_adj -> ht_adj_; find_q -> find_q_). These changes allow calls from FORTRAN routines on non-SGI machines. Examples of these calls are now provided (ftest2_bvw99.f and ftest2_ht_adj99.f).
Version 1999.1: Updated 27 March 2000:
- Correction to calculation of Obukhov scale length in routine 'solve'. Results in improved sensible and latent heat fluxes for substantially non-neutral conditions.
Version 2004.1: Updated 2004:
- Wave and roughness parameterizations from Bourassa (2006) added
Version 2005.1: Updated 2005:
- Massive revisions to make the code modularized.
Version 2012.1: Updated Spring 2012:
- The transition between a smooth and rough sea is changed from an abrupt increase in rouhgness as wind increases (similar to a wave tank) to a smooth transition (similar to larger scale averaged in space and time)
Version 2012.2: Updated Fall 2012:
- IO being modified to allow easier selection of options.
Version 2017.0a on 2017.8: Updated Fall 2012:
- A stand alone Python veersion is added, and a minor fix is made for consistency. This fix does not impact the C code, but the logic is not consistent.
Last Updated 11 Aug. 2017