COAPS participates in the following research centers and consortia

CSOMIO - Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean

CSOMIO members are working to synthesize the technology, tools, and scientific knowledge of a group of individual investigators who can fill critical gaps in our ability to numerically model the transport and fate of oil in coastal waters.

Florida Climate Center

The Florida Climate Center is part of three-tiered system that serves to provide climate data, information, and services for the United States. Affiliated with the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC and the Southeast Regional Climate Center in Columbia, SC, the Florida Climate Center is housed at COAPS.

Florida Cimate Institute

The Florida Climate Institute is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change. UF and FSU initiated the FCI in 2010, which now includes a total of ten member universities.


The GOFFISH Consortium, hosted by Florida State University’s Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), draws upon the diverse expertise of 23 highly qualified investigators from 11 participating institutions, integrating partners from academia, the private sector, and the federal government.

HYCOM (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) Consortia

The HYCOM consortium is a multi-institutional effort sponsored by the National Ocean Partnership Program, as part of the U. S. Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment, to develop and evaluate a data-assimilative hybrid isopycnal-sigma-pressure (generalized) coordinate ocean model (called HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model or HYCOM).

IOVWST - International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team

The International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (IOVWST) leads and coordinates science activities about ocean surface vector winds, interacting with many data assimilation efforts for weather forecasting and climate, and provides input into many international committees contributing to the earth observing system.

Marine Data Center

The Marine Data Center specializes in collecting, evaluating, and distributing in situ and remotely-sensed, high-quality, marine meteorological and surface oceanographic data to the research community in well-documented, easy-to-use formats.

SAMOS (Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System) Initiative

The Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System initiative provides routine access to accurate, high-quality marine meteorological and near-surface oceanographic observations from research vessels and select voluntary observing ships. It is housed at COAPS.

2000 Levy Avenue
Building A, Suite 292
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2741
Phone: (850) 644-4581
Fax: (850) 644-4841
© Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), Florida State University
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)