Ph.D Students


Graduation Date


Renee Richardson


Evaluation of Sea Spray Modification of Wave Fields in Tropical Cyclones

Frederick Soster2


The Atmospheric Boundary-layer Role in Air-Sea Interaction

Ethan Wright


Air/Sea Interaction Associated with Eddies

Shuhang Xue6



Jackie May

Spring 2022

Impacts of Currents and Resolution on Air/Sea Coupling

Kyle Ahern4

Fall 2019

Tropical Cyclone Structure

Danielle Groenen

Summer 2019

Processes Influencing the Central Americal Monsoon

John Steffen

Fall 2018

Barrier Layer Development local to Tropical Cyclones

Tachanat Bhatrasataponkul

Fall 2018

Origins of the North Atlantic Cold Blob

Qi Shi

Fall 2017

Coupling ocean currents and waves with wind stress over the Gulf Stream

Heather Holbach

Fall 2016

Vector Retrievals from Passive Microwave Obsservations

Rachel Weihs

Summer 2016

Coupling of Winds, Diurnal SSTs, and Surface Fluxes

Paul Hughes

Summer 2014

The Influence of Small-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Gradients on Surface Vector Winds and Subsequent Impacts on Oceanic Ekman Pumping

Aaron Paget

Summer 2013

Modeling of White Cap Fractions

Stephen Guimond1

Fall 2010

Vortical Hot Towers

Ryan Maue

Summer 2010

Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics of Southern Hemisphere Cyclones


M.S. Students


Graduation Date


Ameelia Bryan


Turbulent fluxes from Dropsondes

Marc Castells


Air-sea Interaction processes Examined through Research Vessel Observations

Maggie Zoerner


Estimation of surface winds from IWRAP data

Danny Wallace5

Spring 2023

Near Surface Profiles and Surface Fluxes Dropsonde Data

Opeyemi Kehinde7

Fall 2022

Lateral Advection of Organic Matter in the Eastern Indian Ocean

Elok Wulandari8

Fall 2022

Boundary-layer Wind Shear Warnings Based on Profile Observations

Daneisha Bliar

Summer 2021

Hurricanes and Oil Spills

Darrin Mister

Fall 2020

Impacts of Surface Currents on Surface Turbulent Fluxes for East Coast Storms

Walker Whitfield

Summer 2021

Return Periods of Extreme Winds

Shuhang (Thea) Xue6

Fall 2020

Dynamics of Asian Cold Air Outbreaks

Ethan Wright

Spring 2020

Scatterometer and Buoy Intercomparison for High Wind Speeds

Heather Roman-Stork

Summer 2018

Ocean Surface Wind Variability of the Indian Ocean Interseasonal Oscillation

Keqiao Li

Summer 2016

Winds in the IVAD Project

Kyle Ahern

Fall 2015

Analysis of Polar Mesocyclonic Surface Turbulent Fluxes in The Arctic System Reanalysis (ASRv1) Dataset

Matthew Clark2

Summer 2015

Oil Surface Drift

Russell Glazer4

Fall 2014

Influence of SST Gradients on Tropical Cyclogenesis

Kevin Forney

Summer 2014

WRF Simulation of Gulf of Mexico Storm

John Steffen

Summer 2014

Changes in Surface Turbulent Fluxes due to SST-related Changes in Wind

Robbie Nedbor-Gross

Fall 2013

Investigation of the relationship between the Yucatan channel transport and the loop current area in a multi-decadal numerical simulation

Cristina Collier

Summer 2012

Effects of Sea State on Offshore Wind Resource Assessment

Heather Holbach

Summer 2012

The Effects of Gap Wind Induced Vorticity, the ITCZ, and Monsoon Trough on Tropical Cyclogenesis

Benton Farmer2

Spring 2012

Ocean Model SST Sensitivity

Rachel Weihs

Spring 2012

Diurnal Variability of SSTs

Joel Scott3

Summer 2011

Moisture Flux from Satellites

Jackie May

Fall 2010

QuikSCAT Validation

Steven Dinapoli

Fall 2010

H*WIND Error Statistics

Marcus Williams2

Summer 2010

Decadal Variability in SE USA

Josh Griffin

Fall 2009

Heat & Moisture Fluxes

Kelly McBeth Ford

Fall 2008

Error Characterization of QSCAT Derived Vorticity

David Moroni

Spring 2008

Comparison of Episodic Forcing Dependency on Surface Flux Algorithms

Michelle Stewart

Summer 2007

Cyclogenesis And Tropical Transition In Frontal Zones

Stephen Guimond

Spring 2007

Effects of Trough Interactions on Tropical Cyclone QPF

Kristen Briggs

Fall 2006

ENSO Event Reproduction: A Comparison of an EOF vs. Cyclostationary (CEOF) Approach

Jeffery Taylor

Fall 2006

Comparison of ECMWF and QuikSCAT-Derived Surface Pressure Gradients

Paul Hughes

Spring 2006

North Atlantic Decadal Variability of Ocean Surface Fluxes

Robert Banks

Fall 2005

Variability of Indian Ocean Surface Fluxes Using a New Objective Method

Khara Lombardi

Fall 2004

Resolving the Diurnal and Synoptic Variability of Scatterometer Vector Wind Observations



1. Co-advised with Prof. Paul Reasor

2. Co-advised with Prof. Eric Chassignet

3. Co-advised with Prof. Carol Anne Clayson

4. Co-advised with Prof. Bob Hart

5. Co-advised with Dr. Heather Holbach

6. Co-advised with Prof. Jeffrey Changnon

7. Co-advised with Prof. Mike Stukel

8. Co-advised with Prof. Guosheng Liu